Witness Lee, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, came to the United States in the 1960s and began his ministry. Most of the saints gathered together in Elden Hall in Los Angeles. Later due to the significant increase, the saints began to spread His testimony to nearby cities. In 1985 some saints rented a Veteran Center in Alhambra and began to meet there as the Church in Alhambra. At that time the number of the saints was about 50. Due to the restriction of the space, the saints prayed desperately for a meeting hall.
In September 15th 1988, the Lord prepared a building for us at 11 N 2nd Street. After two years’ remodeling, the building became the meeting hall of the church in Alhambra. The main hall can host 300 saints, with a few rooms for different languages, young people and children service.
The main serving ones at that time were Br. Dick Chu and Homer Lin on the Chinese-speaking side, Br. Steve Wang and Jim Nurumberger on the English-speaking side. Later most of the English-speaking saints migrated to San Gabriel to strengthen the testimony there. Since many of the saints’ second generation speak English, English-speaking meeting was soon resumed to take care of them.
So far the Church in Alhambra has English-speaking saints meeting in one district, and Chinese-speaking saints meeting in 8 districts.