1. Morning Revival:
•This week we will pursue morning revival on “Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today”, week 4, days1-6;
2. Prayer Meeting:
•Prayer meetings will be held at the meeting hall;
3. Home Meeting:
•Home meetings will be held at different homes;
4. Corporate Gospel Outreach:
•On Friday afternoon, the gospel outreach will begin at 4:00pm in Sister Jacklyn’s house.
•On Saturday mornings, the gospel outreach will begin at 11am at sister Jacklyn’s house.
•On Lord’s day afternoon, the gospel outreach will begin at 1pm in Sister Jacklyn’s house.
5. Next Lord’s Day Meeting:
•The Lord’s day meeting will be held at different homes;
6. The Entire Church’s Goal to Next Labor Day:
Based on each district’s goal, the saints in Church in Alhambra will labor on Christ as the Good Land in 2020, to gain 94 remaining fruits in this year. Our average Lord’s Day attendance number will increase to 180. We will practice home trainings to reproduce 23 more new serving ones. We will increase 5 home meetings and 1 new district and raise up a new church in Temple City!
7. Pray for GTCA(Gospelize, Truthize, and Churchize America)
300 qualified saints (an average of 30 saints per city) to commit to migrating to the 10 US cities/churches. These brothers and sisters can range in age from young adults to seniors and may be university students, single saints, or married couples.
30 full-time campus workers to form five campus teams, each with a player-coach (an average of six full-timers per team).
8. Pray for the church in Wuhan, the churches in Hubei province and the saints in China.
•May the Lord preserve and strengthen their spirit, soul and body.
•May the gathering of the saints will not be affected.
•Pray for the gospel reaching all the people, knowing Jesus as the heavenly physician.
9. Piano lesson for the need of service. After Lord’s table meeting, there will be one and half piano lesson. It will start from Mar 1, every first Lord’s day of the month.
10. The fellowship and love feast for all the young people, parents and serving ones on Mar 15. It will begin at 4pm in the sister Jacklyn’s house.